Dr. Ruth Ault

Davidson College OHMS
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00:01:13 - Jewish background before Davidson

Play segment

Keywords: Christian Civilization; Conservative Judaism; Davidson College; Hebrew; Judaism; Pomona College; Psychology; Tenure; University of Utah; interfaith dating; non-practicing Jews; rabbi; secular

00:07:47 - Jewish identity and interviewing for Davidson College

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College; Interview; Presbyterian Heritage; President Samuel Spencer; The Linden Affair; discrimination; employment; interview; limited number; minority

00:10:44 - The Linden Affair

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College; Discrimination; Jewish; Judaism; Samuel Spencer; The Linden Affair; anti-semitism; hiring; pastor

00:15:05 - Jewish community at Davidson College

Play segment

Keywords: Irwin Goldstein; Judaism; North County Jewish community; Passover; Rob Spach; Rosemary Zumwalt; Seder; anthropology; cultural Jew; tenure; women

00:18:49 - Rob Spach's impact on Jewish students and campus

Play segment

Keywords: Chaplain's Office; Closing Prayers; Davidson College; Jewish Identity; Judaism; Opening Prayers; Presbyterian; Rob Spach; Shabbat; families

00:20:49 - Being a female Jewish professor at Davidson College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I had more trouble with Southern culture and being a woman than I did being Jewish."

Keywords: Davidson College Presbyterian Church; Southern culture; faculty meetings; ignorance; minority; opening prayer; presbyterian; tokenization

00:24:32 - Rise of Jewish faculty at Davidson College

Play segment

Keywords: Anthropology; Biology; French; Jewish Faculty; Religion Department; Religious requirement; institutional support

00:29:47 - Interactions with Presbyterianism in the Davidson Community

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College Presbyterian Church; anti-semitism; church; identity; identity politics; not offensive; religion; the South

00:33:43 - Perception of Jewish life at Davidson College

Play segment

Keywords: Christian Students; Hebrew; Irwin Goldstein; Jewish Students; Max Polley; religion; venting; visibility; welcoming

00:36:36 - Major changes in Jewish life at Davidson

Play segment

Keywords: Hillel; Jewish Studies; Rabbi shields; Rob Spach; academic requirements; chaplain; prayer; religion department; religious studies; synagogue; trustees

00:46:17 - Presbyterianism in Davidson College's bylaws

Play segment

Keywords: Carol Quillen; Davidson College; Presbyterian; bylaws; disaffiliation; hiring; institution; president; religion; trustee

00:56:54 - Experience getting tenure

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College; Presybyterian; Price Zimmerman; hiring; professor; religion; tenure; trustee

01:03:17 - Response to 2018 neo-Nazi doxxing at Davidson College

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College; Ku Klux Klan; anti-Semitism; doxing; doxxing; neo-Nazi; professor

01:08:16 - Current student activism and Jewish Studies

Play segment

Keywords: Davidson College; Jewish Studies; activism; liberal arts; petition